Thursday, March 29, 2012

Read this or go Broke

Read This or Stay Broke

How To Get Your Blog Online Without The Hardwork

Making money online is easy. That’s my belief and when it’s yours – you’ll make money fast. Right here I’m going to take you step-by-step, lead you by the hand and walk you through the easiest way i know to get your blog up and running today.
When you’ve followed what I’ve laid out for you here, you’ll be on your way to a better life… more money… and the time to spend it all.
Now I can imagine you may be thinking this is impossible. How can having a blog, make all that money and bring so much success?
It’s really simple, it gets you SEEN. The money is just a by-product of the blog. All the success and opportunities is the real reason I blog and so should you.
How a blog becomes successful is simple, you set it up like I’m just about to show you. You create great contentDrive traffic. And from that traffic you make money.
Once you get things going it just grows and grows. Search engines rank you higher with age.

Here’s the quick way to setting up your blog…

A website and a blog are usually the same thing. This blog run’s on some free software called WordPress which is used by over millions of other people all over the world.
You just need three things to appear on the web, those are:
  1. A domain, this is what you call your website, for me it’s, for you it could be
  2. Web Hosting, this is required to host your website on the internet so that people can visit it.
  3. WordPress, this is what will help you run your website, this free software will allow you to add, edit and delete pages on your website. You also have a choice from over 100,000 different blog designs and 1000′s of free plugins that will allow your website to do different things.
Setting up the above three things shouldn’t take more then around 10 minutes, setting up a blog is very easy if you use the right tools.

Registering a domain

I have a lot of domains, how I come up with their domains is simple, they are descriptive of what the site is about, so for example, is about how to become an expert at photography.
For you, you may be creating a website about saving time by outsourcing, a good domain would be I suggest you only go for .Com or .Net domain and try to keep the name of your blog as short as possible.
To register your domain, go to a website called GoDaddy, if your in America you will probably seen their Superbowl Adverts and already know who they are. A domain will set you back less then $10 a year and is one of the most important things to get right.

Here’s how to host your website on the internet

Your on my website right now, to do this, I have to host it on a server so that people can come and visit it. It’s quite simple, you rent some space on a server for around $5 a month and can put all your files on it and thousands of people can come and visit it without any hassle.
I personally use HostGator and I highly recommend them because they have 24/7 live support with agents who will always be happy to help you with any issue you may have.
One of the main reasons why you need to host with HostGator is that they have a built in plugin called Fantastico which allows you to install WordPress (blogging software) with one click.
They don’t charge any additional price for this but if you went with any other company, you would be likely to pay an extra $10 or so a month which is more then the hosting in the first place.

Setting up wordpress on your hosting

However, in 2012 all you need to do is login to your hosting controle panel and click Fantastico and click Install WordPress, less then 60 seconds later your blog is installed, you have a website on the internet and you can start publishing content.

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